Shamanic Journey in Today's World Direct Experience with the Sentient Universe Part 3 in Earth-Spirit Series by Sandra Cosentino, M.S. Shamanism--the mystical path of direct experience with the sentient universe--is the worlds' oldest form of communion with Source and...
modern day mystic
Summer Solstice Energies
Summer Solstice Energies Energies in our bodies and the plant and animal kingdoms are stimulated as the sun approaches its maximum power, light and heat (in northern hemisphere) at Summer Solstice. Receptors in our retinas conduct the light information which...
Shamanic Journey sessions description
Ancestral and Core Shamanism Perspectives & Shamanic Journey Session Description This page provides more detail for Sandra Cosentino's: + Shamanic Journey Studio Sessions + On-Line Shamanic Insight Sessions Ancestral Perspectives Medicine people of earth wisdom...
Expanded Now Awareness in Nature
The practice of Nature mysticism occurs in a state of expanded now awareness. Pathways of the Modern Day Mystic series by Sandra Cosentino “It is not the woods I hike through. I hike through the field of power around me that I call my soul, even though at this...
Mystical Contemplation and Frequencies of Consciousness
Mystical Contemplation and Frequencies of Consciousness from Scientific Perspective "The practice of mysticism involves contemplation, which is a state of mind beyond concentration. When you study an object in front of you, you concentrate upon it. The state of...
Honoring Earth: Connecting with the Natural Life Forces Heart to Heart
Honoring Earth: Connecting with the Natural Life Forces Heart to Heart “By tuning into the earth, knowing her heart as our own and awakening to nature's pulses, we resonate with forces which push us now to evolve and grow. The time is ripe to expose our own latent...
Power Animals are Vibratory Infusion
Medicine animals, the spirit of wild animals permeate our consciousness and are with us all the time in, either in physical or symbolic form with life-positive support. When they connect with us, it is unique to our need and circumstance and essentially we receive an...
Ride the Wind: Invite Intuition
Ride the Wind: Invite Intuition by TaVie Coquille Jazlyn Swimming in Mystery Soup Following the depths of winter, we all need a breath of fresh air, to relax into the Winds of Change, allowing it to breathe us--bellow our lungs, in and out, in and out: to blow out...
Primal Vibrations of Nature Deepens Consciousness
Nature Awareness Deepens Consciousness Primal Energies of Nature and Mystical Perception Bring Us Home to Who We Really Are Modern Day Mystic Series Sun--radiant primal central fire of life--rises at dawn with hopes for a bright new day. Birds sense this coming...
Ceremonial Circles in Today’s World
Ceremonial Circles All is made new. Reaching far back into human consciousness is a knowing of the importance of ceremonial circles to align with with the universal patterns of life. Ceremony is used to create balance and instigate positive change. Ceremonies remind...
Conscious ReCreation
Instigating the next becoming, create change, listening to the signs that are calling us, overcoming resistance, taking a chance and stepping over the edge into a greater reality. Conscious ReCreation Instigating the Next Becoming Modern Day Mystic Series The...
Attention … A Core Mystical Perception Skill
Modern Day Mystic Series by Sandra Cosentino Attention is a powerful skill used by mystics, modern and ancient, to expand awareness of energies and open to perceive new insights. The practice of focused attention can expand perceptual, direct knowing. Ancestral...
Medicine Wheel Wisdom and Guided Journeys for Balance and Vision
with teachings on working with the the circle of life, wisdom from ancient cultures, a chakra balancing meditation and a guided shamanic drum journey by Sandra Cosentino; a Hopi chant by Paliquimana and, Star Prairie's original Wheel Song.
To order, please send a check or money order payable to
Sandra Cosentino
PO Box 3288
Sedona, AZ, 86340
or use credit card via Paypal
Circles of Power Meditation CD
$14 + $2 shipping within US
(International shipping $5)