Medicine Wheel Wisdom CD by Sandra Cosentino available here:

4 directions logo designed by Sandra Cosentino
The medicine wheel is a cross-cultural symbol of the universal plan of life and of our soul’s journey home to our place of center and balance. This circle of life is a multi-dimensional form with no boundaries, a mirror of ourself and the worlds within and around us.

CD cover
Medicine Wheel Wisdom and Guided Journeys for Balance and Vision
Teachings on working with the the circle of life, wisdom from ancient cultures, a chakra balancing meditation and a guided shamanic drum journey by Sandra Cosentino; a Hopi chant by Paliquimana and, Star Prairie’s original Wheel Song.
To order by mail, please send a check or money order payable to Sandra Cosentino to: PO Box 3288, Sedona, AZ, 86340
or can use credit card via Paypal
Circles of Power Meditation CD: $14 + $2 shipping within US (International shipping $5)
“Four elements weave the present
We move with the breath unbound
In this hour, four powers
Sing in our hearts resound”
From Star Prairie’s original song:
In the Wheel, At the Center of the Wheel

Medicine Wheel ceremony
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Hopi & Navajo Cultures & Canyons
Crossing Worlds Hopi Projects, non-profit: since 1999 supporting Hopi Sustainability and cross-cultural education.