CD: Medicine Wheel Wisdom

CD, Earth Spirit Ways

Medicine Wheel Wisdom CD by Sandra Cosentino available here:

circle of power ceremony, medicine wheel

4 directions logo designed by Sandra Cosentino

The medicine wheel is a cross-cultural symbol of the universal plan of life and of our soul’s journey home to our place of center and balance. This circle of life is a multi-dimensional form with no boundaries, a mirror of ourself and the worlds within and around us.

CD cover to Medicine Whell Wisdom & Guided Journeys for Balance & Wisdom

CD cover

Medicine Wheel Wisdom and Guided Journeys for Balance and Vision

Teachings on working with the the circle of life, wisdom from ancient cultures, a chakra balancing meditation and a guided shamanic drum journey by Sandra Cosentino; a Hopi chant by Paliquimana and, Star Prairie’s original Wheel Song.

To order by mail, please send a check or money order payable to Sandra Cosentino to: PO Box 3288, Sedona, AZ, 86340

or can use credit card via Paypal
Circles of Power Meditation CD: $14 + $2 shipping within US (International shipping $5)


“Four elements weave the present
We move with the breath unbound
In this hour, four powers
Sing in our hearts resound”
From Star Prairie’s original song:
In the Wheel, At the Center of the Wheel

Sedona ceremony, mystic nature, vortex tour, medicine wheel

Medicine Wheel ceremony

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Crossing Worlds Hopi Projects, non-profit:  since 1999 supporting Hopi Sustainability and cross-cultural education.

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