Pathways of the Modern Day Mystic
Shamanic Mentoring ~ Nature Mysticism ~ Ceremony ~ Mindfulness ~ Lucid Dreaming
6 – 7 day immersive, experiential core training program with empowering skills that support you to be your own Seer.
7 days allows time to internalize the core practices and spend more time on on the land in communion with the powers of the natural world between sessions.
Led by Sandra Cosentino, based on more than 3 decades of experience.
If your time is limited, you can do this retreat in 2 parts.
Recommend doing each one over 4 days;
however, can be done in 3 days if works better for your schedule.
Part 1 focus:
- shamanic and other intuitive skills development
- nature connection practices
- has a sunset ceremony program not included in the 6-day program
Part 2 focus:
- has an extra mystic nature session not included in the full 6 day program at an ancestor sacred site
- solo vision circle training
- more advanced shamanic practice with extraction/clearing and soul retrieval and drum healing ceremony experiential training
These programs can be individually scheduled at a time that works best for you.
(Best rate applies with 3 or more participants, but programs are available with 1 or 2 participants)
2024 Dates can also be scheduled at a time that works for you
Expand Horizons, 6 (or 7) day core training program
Expand Horizons Part 1, 3 (or 4) day program
Expand Horizons Part 2, 3 (or 4) day program (includes a deepening of Mystic Nature-Shamanic Journey-Ceremony outdoor seminar done in Part 1 which is not included in the 6-day program).
Retreat Experiences:
Expand your boundaries as you view your life from Higher Self perspective.
Open new vision** with meditative & energy connection practices in nature, lucid dreaming and shamanic journey.
Shamanic journey is an experience with the larger spiritual reality. You learn to expand consciousness through focused attention and intention along with the sonic rhythm of the drum.
See with your heart and mind simultaneously.
Discover nature as a portal to spiritual awareness and expansion of consciousness. And connect heart to heart with the natural life forces.
Learn timeless principles of ceremony. This helps you voice your truths and activate life positive movement.
Work with clearing what no longer serves and soul retrieval processes.
Perceive new possibilities as your inner truth emerges.
Enjoy flashes of insight, creative stimulus and a sense of being more at home with yourself.
**(No “plant medicine”(entheogens) are used or needed. Vision and experiences of “ecstatic union” with spirit is a natural skill that can be cultivated with shamanic, nature connection, here-now awareness and ceremonial practice. This has a longer lasting, more profound support on our life walk than a momentary entheogenic-induced state.)
Create your personalized spiritual retreat any time of the year in the Sedona, Arizona area with Sandra Cosentino.
All sessions are held outdoors at Sedona trailhead sites or a Verde River park in Cottonwood (20 minutes south of Sedona).
This integrated program supports personal empowerment and honors your own inherent wisdom.
I hold space for participants and reflect back their soul’s gifts in a compassionate, supportive way.
“..The mystical variant of the spiritual experience is perhaps the greatest accelerator of evolutionary enhancement.” Dr. Jean Houston
Some Pathways We Work With
Each experience builds on the others as you weave your unique tapestry.
And my prayer for you is to take these tools and direct experiences into your daily life and that your radiance will inspire others!
Shamanic Journey is a direct spiritual experience of the expanded reality.
This is a journey to the drum to communicate with wise and compassionate spiritual allies for wisdom, guidance, self-healing and more. And each of us has the innate ability to develop these skills. We view life issues from a detached, spiritual perspective. This enables new insights to flow in and supports conscious re-creation of your life in a frequency more aligned with your soul.
For more info: Shamanic Journey in Today’s World: Direct Experience with the Sentient Universe —article, images
Wild nature is a doorway, a Portal to Spirit.
You go out at dawn, sunset and under the stars and practice solo soul communion in nature. A shamanistic seer (modern-day mystic) is practiced in deep observation, reading the signs, receiving and transmitting energies.
Mystic skills open a sense of spaciousness and curiosity. Spontaneous flashes of insight flow in as your relax the thinking mind. As you deepen observation and energy connection, you may experience moments of union with the divine.
For more info: Expanded Now Awareness in Nature–article Attention–A Core Mystical Perception Skill–article Mystical Contemplation & Frequencies of Consciousness–article
Inner Pathways
View life from a higher perspective with practices of: Here-Now Presence with Self, Attention, Intention, Intuition, Compassion & Patience with Self as your point of power, Courage & Presence.
Dreams are a potent source of guidance and healing. Thus, we work with dream seeding, sensing the energy/essence of the dream, freeing stuck energies, and connecting with Higher Guidance. You become more and more the creator of your own dream.

Ceremonial activation is used during the retreat create positive change. Photo by Sandra Cosentino
Ceremony is used throughout the retreat to walk and talk our new truths. In this way, we make perceptual shifts real to our thinking mind. The Circle of Power Shamanic Healing Ceremony is a powerful participatory experience. Wise spirit helpers and energies assist us to release that which no longer serves. This brings in a new sense of balance. Also, your Spirit guides work with me on your behalf to assist you in your healing intention.
See: Ceremonial Circles–essence of ceremony–article
Sessions included in the retreat are shown below this section
Cost & details
3 or more total people, $1,280 each (with 2 people, $1,480 each; 1 person, $1,900*)
Included: program, reference packet, coordination-planning of your personalized program as well as holding space for you with focused, supportive energy throughout the retreat.
Not included: transportation; lodging; meals or entry fees to Verde River park of $7 per vehicle/day for insight sessions; $30 each for entry fees to private site on Oak Creek with ceremonial structures, if available, for the Mystic Nature Shamanic Journey outdoor seminar.
(*does not guarantee a private retreat, but does guarantee that it will happen on the dates you want to come to Sedona. If 1 or 2 others join your retreat, you receive a discounted cost as per above–we can also shorten time frames to offer a lower rate.)
Upon request, can send a list of recommended retreat-friendly places to stay and transportation options from Phoenix to Sedona.
Please email for registration deposit and payment details and let me know what your goal is.
We can modify the program to work with your timeframe, goals and budget.
- I recommend doing this retreat over 7 days to allow more time for independent nature and integration.
- Time frames for sessions depends on # of participants ( 1 or 2 person retreats have slightly shorter time frames)
- The retreats dates are posted on my calendar and are open to add other participants.
Your own daily practice with inner tools and nature awareness in between our sessions are a core part of the retreat.
To get the most out of it, please clear space for this so you can turn off the cell phone and computer and be fully Present with You.
The landscape temples of Sedona open your heart, energize and reflect light back to you.
Your own intention and willingness to be in compassionate communion with all that you are without judgment gives wings to your journey!
After the retreat. I recommend you give yourself a day after our retreat to relax and integrate before returning to your busy home-work world. Adding on a Hopi and Navajo Indpendent Journey during or after the retreat is a powerful addition and integration of ancient earth wisdom principals. This will be available again once covid emergency ends.
Sessions included in your 6 – 7 day Expand Horizons Retreat
In between sessions, on your own:
- You will have dream, meditation, and journaling practices.
- There will be study sheets to support our experiential learning.
- Each day you will have nature practices and communion time on your own at special sites in the Sedona and Verde Valley area. These instill skills to take back into your life.
- Each day, we share dreams, signs, knowings that come to you. I will give you intuitive feedback.
The daily order of sessions may be modified, but all sessions will be included.
Day 1
- Shamanic Journey Mentoring, Nature connection practices, and Ceremony foundational outdoor workshop, 4 hours at a Sedona red cliff view area (may be divided into 2 parts with part 2 held at Verde River lagoon site.)
Day 2
- Sedona Sacred Sites/Vortex introduction to prepare you to explore on your own, 1 hour
- Insight Session *: Inner Pathways – Conscious Evolution, 2.5 hours with 2 or more, 1 hours with 1
Day 3
- Insight Session*: Past Life, Mystic Child, Future Self, Current Challenges, Deepen Power Animal connections, 2.5 hours with 2 or more, 1 hours with 1
Day 4
- Insight Session*: Extraction, Release Unbeneficial Energies
Nature at Night, Vision Quest Intro, and Solo Sacred Circle (evening program, 3.5 hours at a Sedona trailhead site (3 hours with 1 or 2 people))
Day 5
- Insight Session*: Soul Retrieval, 2.5 hours with 2 or more, 1 hours with 1
- Circle of Power Teaching and Healing Ceremony, 3 hours with 3; 2.5 hours with 2; 2 hours with 1
Day 6
- Insight Session*: Imagining, Conscious Re-Creation, Visioning and Closing circle & drum ceremony: Share New Mythology, Mandala, and Intentions for your return (morning session, 3 hours at Cottonwood lagoon site (2.5 hours with 2; 2 hours with 2)
* Insight Sessions are 2.5 hours with 2 or more people (2 hours with 1 person). Links for more info about sessions:

Windy day in Canyon de Chelly
Facilitator: Sandra Cosentino
Sandra created Crossing Worlds in 1991 with Sedona, Hopi and Navajo tours. Plus she creates mystic insight, cultural and vision quest retreats. “Experience leading spiritual retreats and ceremonies with people from around the world have have honed my ability to hold space for people, to mentor, and trust my intuition.”
Sandra has been working with nature mysticism, ceremony, sound healing, insight pathways and shamanic practices for more than 3 decades.
The mystic’s path of direct knowing came to her in a natural way from decades of nature exploring, lucid dream awareness and other intuitive pathways. She also has been inspired by meaningful time spent with indigenous peoples in Arizona, Alaska and Peru.
Guest comments:
“My experience with Crossing Worlds with Sandra Cosentino can be summed up in 3 words: powerful, provoking, and profound. I came in a deep state of confusion and fear—and left with a sense of peace and understanding, coupled with the tools to continue the journey when I got home.
Not only did I experience Sedona in a way I never could have as a tourist, I was able to interact with nature as a catalyst to the spiritual journey. I learned that resistance is part of that journey—but that the journey is worth it. I can’t say it was easy, or that I was always comfortable, but the rewards are quite remarkable.
Sandra brings insight, understanding and incredible spiritual knowledge to the experience, while giving me an opportunity to learn more about myself and how I can move forward into life with confidence and direction. A memorable experience—one that I highly recommend.” Irene, St. Louis. Missouri, April, 2006
“When I knew that I was returning to Sedona for a week, I did my research because I knew that I wanted to study with a respected teacher. I read many reviews of Sandra Cosentino, and from the moment that I emailed her, I knew that she was the right choice. I spent three life-changing days studying and learning with Sandra, and she is highly professional, gifted, and truly connected.
Through my time with her, I was surprised to discover a part of myself that I didn’t know was there — my inner shaman! As a result of the 3 days, journeying has now become a part of my regular spiritual practice. I reached a place of profound healing over a difficult life event. What a gift. The 3 days were exception and life-changing from start to finish, minute-by-minute. I am a teacher of intuitive development myself, and I plan to bring my students to visit and learn with Sandra the next time I visit Sedona. 10 stars, and eternal gratitude.” Leigh H., spring 2014
“I did the Being Your Own Shaman for 4 days with Sandra and it was amazing. From deconstructing your dreams to find the hidden meanings to guided meditations to sacred nature experiences, this retreat was excellent. The program builds on what was learned during the previous session(s). There is lots of time for self exploration and nature.The medicine wheel ceremony is a wonderful, freeing experience. Throughout the retreat, Sandra creates a nurturing environment and insures that participants stay present and grounded which makes it easy for connecting with other participants.I left Sedona with 3 new friends and I came home feeling rejuvenated and at peace.” C.T., Edmonton, Canada, fall, 2012
Please see other testimonials here.
Expand Horizons, 6 (or 7) day core training program
Expand Horizons Part 1, 3 (or 4) day program
Expand Horizons Part 2, 3 (or 4) day program
3 or 8 day Mystic Vision Retreat Options:
Mystic Vision Retreat with Solo Vision Circle experiences 3-day introductory program with both nature and studio sessions, working with spirits of nature, shamanic journey and ceremony, and short experiences with solo vision quest circle.
Sedona Vision Quest Retreat, 8 days This program provides a greater deepening opportunity with more practice & integrative time plus the focus involved in the solo overnight, dawn return and practice with making medicine pieces.
Crossing Worlds Hopi Projects, non-profit:
since 1999 supporting Hopi Sustainability and cross-cultural education.