Hopi 2-day journey

Hopi 2-day journey

"Thank you for holding the space for us to have such a special experience.  the years of relating with the hopi peoples and the strong bridges and bonds you have established there to allow us uninitiated to come and be blessed was the vehicle (or structure) which we were delivered to their holy lands.  there was an automatic knowingness of treading reverently to these sacred lands also because you represent that sacredness for their land, the hopis and for all of mother earth.  i admire your strength, clarity of self and deep connection to the earth. you brought the awareness of a very sacred journey.

sedona + hopi land for the solstice was truly a magical experience.  there were so many little points to share about it but in sum they reminded me what it means to be simple and at one with mother earth. and what it means to celebrate the solstice to understand the cycles of mother earth more deeply, subtly, intuitively.  just being on the land was healing for me. learning and observing many of their traditions has integrated in my being.  

my prayers and my intentions grew from the relative singular to the collective - all of humanity in a fuller way then ever before.  some hopis never leave their land but their prayer touches the entire world.  these were the things that hit home in my heart and resonate with me still.  lots of little memorable moments which i reference regularly.  sedona was also powerful in its own way. " Kitty, January, 2013 following Winter Solstice Journey

Crossing Worlds Journeys and Retreats
"Thank you for holding the space for us to have such a special experience.  the years of relating with the hopi peoples and the strong bridges and bonds you have established there to allow us uninitiated to come and be blessed was the vehicle (or structure) which we were delivered to their holy lands.  there was an automatic knowingness of treading reverently to these sacred lands also because you represent that sacredness for their land, the hopis and for all of mother earth.  i admire your strength, clarity of self and deep connection to the earth. you brought the awareness of a very sacred journey. sedona + hopi land for the solstice was truly a magical experience.  there were so many little points to share about it but in sum they reminded me what it means to be simple and at one with mother earth. and what it means to celebrate the solstice to understand the cycles of mother earth more deeply, subtly, intuitively.  just being on the land was healing for me. learning and observing many of their traditions has integrated in my being.   my prayers and my intentions grew from the relative singular to the collective - all of humanity in a fuller way then ever before.  some hopis never leave their land but their prayer touches the entire world.  these were the things that hit home in my heart and resonate with me still.  lots of little memorable moments which i reference regularly.  sedona was also powerful in its own way. " Kitty, January, 2013 following Winter Solstice Journey
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