
Hopi Journey

"Thank you for an unforgettable trip to the Hopi lands last Sunday. It was very meaningful to me, especially seeing the village of Walpi. The whole day was special. I also loved the in-home visit and the information you gave about the culture. As we drove away from...

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Hopi Journey

"I really see your dedication, faith and compassion towards helping and enlightening people about the Indian culture and way their of life. I have so many good memories from this journey and feel it did transform and shift something inside me. The most profound...

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Sedona Retreat and Hopi Journey

Thank you very much for all your time and effort this week in my own personal spiritual journey and in our journey with the Hopi.   I will never forget the visionary walk with bear and lion and the warmth of the Hopi drumming which touched my heart and soul."  Janice...

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Sedona Retreat and Hopi Journey

"I signed up for the Soul Journey Retreat offered by Crossing Worlds hoping to learn new ways to listen to my intuition; wanting to feel more deeply connected to my life and to life in general.  When I try to write down what I experienced in Sedona during those four...

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Hopi Journey

Sandra: thanks again for bringing us and others into the circle.  It's always a pleasure to see you again...and to meet new people.  My wife was very moved by her introduction to the Hopi." Doug B, Arizona, Oct., 1998

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Southwest Culture Journey

Now it's nearly one week ago that I made my way out West. I want to tell you that it was an incredible experience for me and I was very impressed with your knowledge of the land and the people living on it. Your organization of our whole journey was excellent andevery...

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Southwest Cultures Journey

"Thank you for the magnificent way in which you looked after us during our recent tour of the south west. We found the experience most enlightening. The memories which we have gathered of our experiences will last a long time indeed. We were both impressed with your...

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Sedona Journey

"After we (family group) were with you, we all became very aware of the voices that talkedto us in the beautiful nature we are surrounded in.  We were in tune.  Ourtime with you was joyous and brought forward great understanding.  I can only imagine what a retreat...

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Sedona Journey

"I really enjoyed our journey together last Sunday, and thanks for being so good with my mum. My trip to Sedona seemed like the merest taster and I'm sure to return."  Red, May, 2006

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Sedona Journey

"We want to thank you so much for the Vortex Journey tour and drumming meditation. It meant so much, especially to me to have the affirmation that I am exactly where I am supposed to be." Judy M., April, 2007

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Sedona Journey

March of 1998 my husband and I along with a daughter went on a Vortex tour with beating of the drums following. We still talk about this marvelous experience.  We are looking forward to scheduling, perhaps 2 different offerings with our Two daughters who have not had...

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Sedona Retreat

"I did the Soul Journey Retreat maybe 10 years ago, that was such a profound and deep experience and I treasure that experience still to this day.  I also had the opportunity to see the Kachina Dances on the Hopi Reservation and I was in awe of what I experienced. ...

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Medicine Wheel Wisdom and Guided Journeys for Balance and Vision

with teachings on working with the the circle of life, wisdom from ancient cultures, a chakra balancing meditation and a guided shamanic drum journey by Sandra Cosentino; a Hopi chant by Paliquimana and, Star Prairie's original Wheel Song.

To order, please send a check or money order payable to
Sandra Cosentino
PO Box 3288
Sedona, AZ, 86340

or use credit card via Paypal
Circles of Power Meditation CD
$14 + $2 shipping within US
(International shipping $5)


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