Instigating the next becoming, create change, listening to the signs that are calling us, overcoming resistance, taking a chance and stepping over the edge into a greater reality.

Conscious ReCreation
Instigating the Next Becoming

Modern Day Mystic Series

The Forgetting

We humans create habitual patterns in our daily life that help us get through the day’s responsibilities. A forgetting sets in that our lives may have a bigger purpose we have only glimpsed. An uncomfortable feeling may ride under the surface that there is something trying to get through to our conscious mind.

In our busyness, perhaps we do not take time for daily meditation or listening to the voice of our own Higher Self who comes in dreams trying to heal, inspire, nudge us. Stress accumulates and we just want escape time.

When was the last time you took time to go out in nature or to do something creative with your energies? How do you step back from the incessant thinking mind that thinks it is in charge of our life?

Lovely Sedona shadowy cliffscapes image by Ted Grussing. This speaks to me of seeing different aspects or dimensions of the usual reality.

Lovely Sedona shadowy cliffscapes image by Ted Grussing. This speaks to me of seeing different aspects or dimensions of the usual reality.

The Awakener

But the one who is really guiding our life, our Higher Self, finds ways to break through our somnambulism. Perhaps it comes in the form of a trickster that upsets our routine or challenges our world view and causes us to re-evaluate. A flash of illumination might slip in as you gaze at a sunset or are petting your dog (teachable moment when we are fully present without the incessant thinking-mind talk). And sometimes an awakening is initiated by life’s challenges such as job loss, disharmonious relationships, loss of a loved one, trauma, illness or despair.

The Listener

Openness, Willingness and Paying Attention are key, then taking Action on your inspiration! Rose by Lynne Roberts

Openness, Willingness and Paying Attention are key, then taking Action on your inspiration! Rose by Lynne Roberts

When we take time to listen to the bigger field to which we are connected and cultivate a sense of being at home with our self, we make room to expand our vibratory field. We can sense new possibilities of how to use our energies or spend our time. We become more alert to signs, synchronous events, recurring themes that are all around us.

Nothing happens in which you are not entangled in a secret manner, for everything has ordered itself around you and plays your innermost. Nothing in you is hidden to things…the stars whisper your deepest mysteries to you, and there soft valleys of the earth rescue you in a motherly womb.”
Carl Jung

Initiation Triggered by Longing

Eloquent wisdom from Frank McEowen:

‘The longing is a spiritual force that will lead us to where we need to be and connect with those whom we need to know.”

‘Nearly all initiations, if they are truly centered in the life of the soul, are about stepping into right relationship with the spirit of longing.  Initiation is the process of defining and refining one’s role in the life of our longing, determining how we can be conduits for its influence in our lives and worlds.”

Aspiration and Seeding Energies

Each dawn I greet the sun and new day with gratitude and a life-positive aspiration no matter how I feel. Constant reminding is needed.
Like the bird beings, I connect with and seed the greater field of energy. Each day I renew my trust in Higher Self and the greater field of wisdom available to us when we ask and pay attention.

Hopi words of encouragement I find very profound in this regard are:
“Ask and pay attention, then it is up to you.”

Hope is a verb, a place to stand for the next becoming.
A seed thought sparks a new intention and calls you into a time of wandering the desert as it initiates a regeneration more in alignment with our source. This action creates a release from the tyranny of our egoic mind that thinks it is in charge of our life.

(Rev. Bruce Kellogg of Cottonwood, Arizona)

At the Edge of our Known Reality


Edge of Canyon de Chelly by Sandra Cosentino

How do we get outside the box of your daily routine and glimpse a farther horizon?
Edge experiences draw us beyond the borders of our daily routine. But we subconsciously avoid these edge places because unknowns reside there that may initiate change.

The edge of our controlled space, may simply be turning off the media and seeing everything with fresh eyes. I may literally go to the edge of the Grand Canyon and be in deep communion when I get the calling.


“You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover is yourself.” (Angela Hartfield)

The above saying can be literally getting out to a wilder environment in an open-hearted way or allegorically going beyond your comfort zone right where you live by opening doors to new, fresh perceptions–question every assumption, see everything with New eyes, alert to signs from your own greater field.

What takes you to the more untamed edge where you might be invited to a bigger expression? Giving yourself over to art, music or other creative expression? Shifting to a healthier diet and exercise routine? Solitary time in the nature? Adventure travel? Playing with kids or friends? Sitting out under the stars? Getting engaged in a heartfelt service project?

Power of Action to Overcome Resistance

Actions generated out of genuine callings of our heart, takes us into a bigger field of possibility than we could glimpse before.

Conscious re-creation is a necessity for me. When that energy is present, I pay more attention to my dreams, deepen nature attentiveness and insight journey practices to see/seed new possibilities. I work to shift self-limiting thoughts that want to keep me in the comfort zone I am inhabiting. I use ceremony to activate a shift and begin to make it real to my mind.

In this fertile zone of willingness, I take action steps to seed this new beginning.

Overcoming the innate resistance to change takes persistence. Inertia beckons a slip back into the comfort zone. Yet as I imagine a new story of my life, I consciously do things differently.

Imagining is seed power: our body believes in images–they spark a physical response.
When I call forth courage to see and do new things, I find moments of great clarity and a new aliveness. I am reminded of the importance of fluidity and the value of ReCreation.

I invite humor and self loving-kindness to be our companions on this wondrous journey.

The big story is hunting you,” shamanic dreamer Robert Moss says and encourages claiming that power, to learn to live it and speak it and root it in the world.
“When we are seized by the big story, we step beyond limiting definitions and beliefs. Great healing becomes possible because we can now draw on the immense energy that becomes available when we know we are serving a larger purpose.”

True shamans have always known this, and one of their most effective modes of healing is to weave a story with mythic power around a sufferer, a story that can inhabit his body and mind and give him the courage and stamina to get though.”

May we become at home within our cycles of action and renewal-rest. And take the chance often to go to our untamed edges and peek over the horizon at new possibilities.


Joyful retreat to explore new potentialities, access passions of the soul:

Voice of our Longing:
Fresh Look – Instigate Change 3-day Retreat

+ Insight Journeys – conscious evolution practices
+ Ceremony to activate change.
+ Nature connection, signs, synchronicities, spontaneous creative expression to tap into your innate knowing.

Related Experiences:

Mystical Nature Shamanic Journey

Soul Journey Sessions: Shamanic Journey – conscious evolution mentoring & insights

Be Your Own Shaman-Seer Insight Retreats

Sedona Vision Quest Retreat

Sandra Cosentino has developed these mentoring experiences based on a lifetime of exploring and connection to the energies of wild nature, and 3 decades of experience with ceremony, lucid dreaming, vision quest, mindfulness practices, meditation and insight retreat facilitation. She has been working with shamanic journey for more than 25 years with a dedication to empowering others to be their own Seer.

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