Solar Eclipse Sedona special program Sedona Ceremony Energies-insights-ceremony as you tune into this celestial event for personal and cosmic inspiration. Small group ceremonial setting with red cliff views Since time immemorial, humans have gathered to make life...
Summer Solstice Energies
Summer Solstice Energies Energies in our bodies and the plant and animal kingdoms are stimulated as the sun approaches its maximum power, light and heat (in northern hemisphere) at Summer Solstice. Receptors in our retinas conduct the light information which...
Kachina Role in Hopi Life
Kachina Role in Hopi Life Kachinas are the spirit essence of everything in the real world. Kachinas are supernaturals, embodying the spirits of living things and also the spirits of ancestors who have died and become a part of nature. Kachinas are believed to possess...
Sedona Sacred Site is a Summer Solstice Marker
Sedona Sacred Site is a Summer Solstice Marker Puebloan ancestral sites and rock art of the Colorado Plateau region have fascinated me for many decades. I recently enjoyed an insightful class about Verde Valley prehistoric archeoastronomy sites taught by Kenneth J....
Where is your True East and West?
Spring Equinox is a great time to orient to your true east and west. The vernal or spring equinox comes on or around March 20 to 22—signaling the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere. On this day the tilt of the Earth’s axis and Earth’s orbit around the sun...
Vision Quest: Communing With our Soul in Nature
Vision Quest: Communing With our Soul in Nature Modern Day Mystic Series by Sandra Cosentino Seeking vision in nature is a way I have used for decades to recalibrate to my Higher Self's wisdom in the field of vibration and beauty of Creation. "We see the world piece...
The Will of the Heart, Earth Energies and Vision
Discussion, excerpts and wisdom from The Time of the Black Jaguar by Arkan Lushwalah by Sandra Cosentino Modern Day Mystic Series Arkan Lushwalah from Peru speaks from his heart and sources of spiritual inspiration in The Time of the Black Jaguar. At the core of the...
Ceremonial Circles in Today’s World
Ceremonial Circles All is made new. Reaching far back into human consciousness is a knowing of the importance of ceremonial circles to align with with the universal patterns of life. Ceremony is used to create balance and instigate positive change. Ceremonies remind...
Medicine Wheel Wisdom and Guided Journeys for Balance and Vision
with teachings on working with the the circle of life, wisdom from ancient cultures, a chakra balancing meditation and a guided shamanic drum journey by Sandra Cosentino; a Hopi chant by Paliquimana and, Star Prairie's original Wheel Song.
To order, please send a check or money order payable to
Sandra Cosentino
PO Box 3288
Sedona, AZ, 86340
or use credit card via Paypal
Circles of Power Meditation CD
$14 + $2 shipping within US
(International shipping $5)